No.138 Yingxie Road,Jinshui District,Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China
What is compression ratio of die pores for pellet mill?
Technically, it refers to two values, namely the diameter of pelletizing pore in the ring die and the length of the pelletizing pore.
Considerable attention must also be given to the various types of dies used by pellet mill manufacturing industry. Die thickness and hole size varies with the type of product to be pelletized as stated previously. Relieved dies have an enlarged diameter on the discharge side of the hole. Relief length is the distance of the die hole which has a greater diameter than the rest of the hole.
There are basically four types of dies available: Standard Die---All the holes have the same effective thickness. Standard Relieved Die---All holes have the same effective thickness, but the discharge side of the hole is enlarged. The primary purpose for this die is to add strength to the die without making the hole depth thicker.
Pellet mill parts
Standard Variable Relief Die---All holes are the same except the two or three outside rows of the die. The number of rows to be relieved varies by die manufacturer. Certain products to be pelletized will have a tendency to squeeze out to the side of the die. When this happens the two or three outside rows become plugged and as much as 25% of the die effectiveness is lost.
Staggered Relief Die---This die basically serves the function as the standard variable relief die except that the two or three outside rows are relieved 1/2?and the next two or three rows are relieved.
However, there are generally two different ways of calculating the ratio at home and abroad. One is the ratio of diameter of the pelletizing pores against efficacious length of the pelletizing pores; the other is that of diameter of the pelletizing pores against (efficacious length + relief area) of the pelletizing pores.
The ratio of diameter of die pore against the length of die pore shall not be ignored, for it influences the pelletizing effect. Specifically, we are supposed to elaborate on diameter of die pore and length of die pore respectively.
The former refers to several models such as 6mm and 8mm and maybe with others included. However, According to the use scope of biomass pellets, the ones with diameter of 6mm are extensively put into use in fireplaces and pellet stoves domestically because theoretically, they compared to the ones with diameter of 8mm can combust relatively easily while the ones of 8mm are prefered by industrial use such as power plants and heating plants with super power to combust them. Aside from the above, pellets of 6mm in diameter are favored by household users based upon the on-goingly improved regulations upon use of biomass pellets across the whole Europe. And also as per the designs of domestically applied pellet stove and fireplaces, Pellets of 6mm are more popular with European consumers.
Pellet mill
Speaking of the length of die pores, it is acknowledged that the longer the die pore length goes, the longer the pelletizing time of feedstock in the pelletizing chamber will last, vice versa. Therefore, the length of die pores exerts a great influence upon pelletizing effect both theoretically and actually. With regard to this point of view, that different materials demand distinguished die pore lengths will reasonably make sense because material possesses unique cohesiveness from one to another.
To make the concept of ratio of die pore diameter against the length of dire pores clearer, communications and mutual comprehension between the supplier of molds and clients will pan out to be smooth.