No.138 Yingxie Road,Jinshui District,Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China
Our hammer mill can pulverize such granule materials as corns, sorghum, various wheats, beans and rice dregs for biomass pellet plant, on top of that, it can also apply to sectors as chemical industry, foods and brewing industry. Hammer mill is also widely applied in biomass pellet plant or feed pellet plant.
Hammer mill
Application Scope and Features of Hammer Mill
1.1 The hammer mill adopts welded-steel plate construction. Rotors of both the electromotor and hammer mill are situated in the same foundation driven directly by the pin coupling; Rotors, verified through dynamic balancing, can prolong life span of quick-wear parts in forward and reverse way. Safety interlock within the operation door can assure the motor won’t work when the door is opened. Designed on the top of the hammer mill, the feeding hole can be adjusted to meet diversified demands for rotor rotating.
1.2 Thanks to the creative design, two kinds of sieve clearance can be made, one for preliminary pulverization and the other for refined grind. Based on different micro powder, the hammer plates can be changed to meet customers’ requests.
1.3 For the convenience of maintenance and operation, the mill adopts linked lever type pressure sifter with the door full open in a translating way.
1.4 The advantages for the machine remain ideal construction, firmness, durability, easy operation, little vibration and high efficiency.
1.5 To give full play to its efficiency, feeder should be equipped with the machine as a whole. For your information, our company can offer well-matched impellers and feeding motors controlled by transducer so as to achieve infinitely variable control over feeding volume.
2. The Main Structures of Hammer Mill Foundation: it connects and supports all parts of the machine as a whole from which the pulverized materials can be discharged out. Rotor: as the main moving part of the machine, it consists of main shaft, frame plates, hammer plates and bearings and it can run at a high speed. The dynamic balance inspection shall be done before the hammer plates are installed. Operating door: the door shall be opened when you change sieve plates and hammer plates. Under the door are idler wheels which can slide to a single side when the door is opened so that it is easier for changing parts and saving space. Upper main case: with feeding hole on the top and connecting foundation at the bottom, it also flanks with sieve plates and makes up a pulverizing chamber together with the rotor. A controllable board atop can be adjusted to cater to opposite rotating direction of the main motor and the board further working as a baffle ensures fed-in material will not burp out during running.
Feeding guide structure: by manually fine-tuning the guide plate can the material enter into the chamber from both left and right sides. If in right place, the hand driving lever can touch the position switch which then interlocks the motor rotating direction so that turning direction of the motor will be controlled automatically and in accordance with the feeding direction. Hammers: aligned hammer plates in the pulverizing chamber can be used in a recycled way since one corner of hammer is worn out and the other can be applied. However, upon being changed to a different corner, all hammer plates shall be adjusted once and for all to remain balanced running.
Hammer mill
3. Operating Principles of Hammer Mill
Via the feeder, materials will be added from the top of the machine and then go into the pulverizing chamber from both left and right sides through the guide plate. Later on, the materials will be grinded with the hammer plates striking and sieve plates friction at fast speed, at last, with the help of centrifugal force and air current, the pulverized materials will be discharged from the foundation through sieve holes.
4. Installation of Hammer Mill
4.1 The main shaft is driven directly by the motor via pin coupling. The motor is directly installed on the foundation under which fixed orifices are opened. The machine is fastened with foundation bolts.
4.2 The hammer mill machine shall match with starting devices, protective devices and electric instruments. The main shaft rotary direction shall be based on the feeding direction controlled by the feeding guide devices and the direction of rotation for the motor shall be automatically ruled by the position switch.
4.3 When installed, the hammer mill shall be adjusted to level and the foundation bolts shall also be fastened.
4.4 The machine shall be fixed on steel frames or concrete foundation which shall be left with sufficient holes based upon the discharge hole size.